
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?


This is an easy question for me to answer. Christmas is by far the best Holiday I enjoy with my family. It is that time of year where we celebrate one another and Gods great gift to the earth. Christmas memories flood my mind from all the way back from just a little tot to my late 50’s now. I cherish the mornings I woke up and got to spend time with my parents, brothers, cousins and grandparents opening presents and enjoying a great breakfast. Breakfast is a tradition in my house and we continue to celebrate it every year just we did with my folks who are now in Heaven. As we have all gotten older and our families have expanded to grand kids and in-laws the opportunity to gather like we did way back has gotten harder and harder. We do our best to see one another around the Holiday and hope everyone is happy, healthy and hearty for another great year. Christmas is about cold weather, warm blankets, presents, good food and great times with family.


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