
My Mom: The Roster

My mom passed away in April of 2017 and man I miss her so much. She was born on 3/8/38 and lived an awesome life. Mom was a small lady, short but tough. She grew up on a farm in the country dirt poor and had an unbelievable work ethic that she taught my brothers and I growing up. My mom was known as the roster which is weird because most people associate a roster as a male. My mom loved rosters and collected all kinds of them that were made of various materials. Especially red ones of all types as that was one of her favorite colors. When she passed and my brothers and I cleaned up the house we found so many rosters she had bought over the years. Some were just small $1.00 store rosters and some were big metal ones that would go in the yard. She had a pile of them and certainly loved them.

On my way to and from work I pass a local store where they have these five or six feet tall rosters in front and they remind me of my mom. The presence they have is eye catching, big and exciting to see. My mom was like that as she was like a roster. She was the boss of the house even though my dad was a 6’4 315 pound police detective. He was a tough guy, but we all know who ran the roost most of the time. Mom was loyal in watching over her chicks, just like a roster would be. She was protective of her chicks, just like a rooster would be. She was really sweet, but could bring out those talons if someone messed with her baby chickens. She was always on guard and kept us little chickens in line and out of harms way with her guidance and wisdom.

A good friend of the family started calling her the rooster many years ago and it kind of stuck with her. Today I write this short message to let my mom, the rooster know that we miss her, love her and cherished every moment we had with her. I look forward to someday seeing her again and celebrating with the rooster when I see Gods glory and reach my final destination. Below I put one of my favorite bible verses. It is quick and to the point and tells us that Jesus is always the same no matter what we do, how we act, how much we disappoint humanity. We could never disappoint him and he is with us taking us through life. Jesus was important to my mom and I appreciate her showing me how his love is important to me. She was the same yesterday, today and forever and I miss that old rooster!

Hebrews 13:8; Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today an always.


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