
What public figure do you disagree with the most?

Daily writing prompt
What public figure do you disagree with the most?

Fore warning on this posting. If you love or are a big Joe Biden fan then you may want to skip to the next blog post. As a Gen X 57 year old man that believes in Faith, Family, Freedom and Friends as the core four of my moral code. I take major exception to the actions our current President has taken on the economy, border and other immoral activity he 100% supports. I see him as a career politician that is just a puppet for the socialist democrat movement. He has been controlled by someone and has sent tens of billions of dollars to every country but America. He has opened the border up and if you do not think it has impacted people look at the murder rates, robbery, rape and those fanatical people that are ruining cities and colleges all across America. This is not a political post, but is an honest opinion about a man that is self serving and doing, saying or seeking anything to stay in power.


He lies constantly on film and the press just allows it or tries to protect him. He is gruff, grumpy and cusses people out on camera and it is always pushed under the rug. He has turned his back on the average American citizen and cares more about illegals than he does born and bred Americans. We have homeless veterans, older retired citizens, people with disability and mental issues and all he cares about is damn Ukraine. I have likely made enough people mad over this but at 57 and being a Gen X I really ran out of GAF many moons ago. I pray this country finds itself, especially the young people and they stop being sheeple following every cause except the ones that really will make a difference or matters to families, kids, mentally ill, drug addicted, veterans and Americans that need help from a man or woman in charge that truly loves America and not just power.

Check out my shopping site. Over 8,000 items to choose from and these two below have sold over 10,000 pieces and are very popular with the ladies and gentleman. Have a blessed day and get out and vote in November for whomever and please vote for the best candidate whoever you think that is based on your moral code and beliefs.



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